<!ENTITY mp3tunes.pref.description "The MP3Tunes service allows to send music directly to you mobile phone or to a private locker accessible from everywhere">
<!ENTITY mp3tunes.text.no-converter.2 "You can click continue to send the media file directly to your locker or, you can configure the conversion feature to create an audio file first.">
<!ENTITY mp3tunes.label.conversion-choice.remember "Remember my choice and do not ask again">
<!ENTITY mp3tunes.pref.phonenumber-sample "with country code, e.g. +1 555 555 5555">
<!ENTITY ythq.label.enable "Enable">
<!ENTITY ythq.label.disable "Disable">
<!ENTITY ythq.label.up "Up">
<!ENTITY ythq.label.down "Down">
<!ENTITY ythq.column.type "Type">
<!ENTITY ythq.column.format "Format">
<!ENTITY ythq.column.video "Video">
<!ENTITY ythq.column.audio "Audio">
<!ENTITY pref.title.blacklist "Black list">
<!ENTITY pref.description.blacklist "This feature allows to ignore medias from some sites, like advertizing videos.">
<!ENTITY add2bl.label.add-domain-choice "Ignore notifications for media from domain:">
<!ENTITY pref.label.share-blacklist "Share black list">
<!ENTITY pref.description.share-blacklist "Sharing your blacklist will allow to provide a good default black list in the next versions of the product">
<!ENTITY label.add2bl.configure-blacklist "Configure black list">
<!ENTITY twitter.message.smartnaming "You should consider using the SmartNaming feature to prefill the Twitter message with the video title, and if available its description.">
<!ENTITY twitter.label.go-to-smartnaming "More on SmartNaming">
<!ENTITY twitter.label.tag-message "Prefill message with tag #vidohe">
<!ENTITY pref.label.medialink.max-hit-count "Max number of hits">
<!ENTITY pref.label.icon-click "Upon clicking on the icon">